Tuesday, June 21, 2011

hardfloor - "TB Resuscitation" (1993 Planet Earth Recordings)

if you're one of the rare few who have no idea who hardfloor (HEAD MASTERS) is....take a seat....
buckle up....er...no, don't do that, you gotta MOVE..
1. Lost In The Silver Box 8:10
2. Trancescript 8:15
3. Teebeestroica 4:43
4. Into The Nature 7:47
5. Brachalde Rontzdrate 4:50
6. Acperience 1 8:56
7. Drugoverlord (Remix) 5:04
8. AM-Trip 7:58
9. Happy 20th (Remix) 5:11


1 comment:

  1. This is an f*ing brilliant record. Thanks for pointing at it's existence!
