1.teormech -das leben
2.inalonelyplace -final transmission fragments
3.rising shadows -farewell
4.saviour machine -the night (extended remix)
5.lacrimosa -requiem
6.sophia -the seduction of madness part 3
7.a hymn for her -the last moments of light
8.robe -lavos
9.rasputina -a quitter
10.sopor aeternus -Die Knockenbume
11.arcana -autumnal
12.black tape for a blue girl -halo star (alternate mix)
13.wormsign -living in his shadow
14.sopor aeternus -dark delight(s) (dedicated to Victor Bertrand)
15.brian c. janes -angus dei
16.skotoma -shadows fall
17.wormsign -zoopy
18.tori amos -all the girls hate her (remix)